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Loquieropty .
Website E-commerce
WEB Design

Project URL: https://loquieropty.com/

About the project

Welcome to the creation of the website design for Loquieropty. In this project, I worked for Loquieropty as a digital marketing analyst. The goal of this project was to create a website that would convert at least 2% of visitors.

To accomplish this, multiple activities were carried out, including market research and analysis, web design sketching, website implementation with UX and CX principles, HTML and CSS programming, lead magnet and email marketing implementation, A/B testing design and analysis, and monitoring and data analysis for adjustments.

Business task

The purpose of this project was to create a high-converting website that would convert at least 2% of visitors.


A website with a conversion rate per visitor much higher than expected was created (3.31:1). Other KPIs also yielded very satisfactory results, including bounce rate, subscriptions, and returning visitors.

©2023 Abraham Cedeño Levy